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The Apostolic Faith’s headline  read

Pentecost Has Come:
Los Angeles Being Visited by a Revival of Bible Salvation and Pentecost as Recorded in Acts.


There were no leaders in these services. The church was open 24 hours a day for three years straight. There was a lot of spontaneous singing in the Spirit and songs like “The Comforter has Come” and "Under the Blood” would be sung with fervor.


Congregants would share testimonies and scriptures as they were led by the Spirit. Missionaries would receive offerings and one-way tickets. Children were continually dancing and prophesying in the Spirit.


The gifts and infilling of the Spirit were in full manifestation. Testimonies of individuals from other countries hearing congregants speaking in their languages and dialects happened often.


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And William Seymour was noted to be a great and humble preacher, of which, many would feel a strong Presence of God on him.


  Eventually whites outnumbered blacks at the service and the very wealthy worshiped with the very poor.

  The apostolic mission of Seymour’s was being called the American Jerusalem, as every religion in the world was there.


Once the “fire of God” was so powerful in the space that the fire department showed up. Crutches, canes, and wheelchairs were placed on the walls all around due to the many miraculous healings that took place.

Presented by BFN , Gateway Family and Faithwork Network
Reverend Lamont A. Coleman

from Tyler Perry's Haves and Have nots


More than ever, the world needs to hear the Word of the Lord and stories such as these, especially through forms of media which are highly accessible to the public. Generations young and old need to revisit powerful stories of revival to bring revival in their own lives and connect to history. In this modern age, many people have forgotten miraculous accounts like that of William Seymour’s, and it is our goal to keep these stories alive, and reach the lost for Christ.

In this Powerful and Free Event we will be !

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BFN's Film Ministry  |   Brought to you by Gateway Family,Faith Work Net and COLSAC

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